Mrs. Mattivi's Classroom Newsletter


Mrs. Mattivi’s Classroom



 Monday,   February 6   Day 6    Library


Math worksheet and review flashcards.

Reading – Read the decodable book “A Little Fellow”. You may  keep it at home.  Read  and practice your spelling list words.  We will have a spelling test on Friday.  Practice words in your word folder. 


*Don’t forget to pack a snack if you want one!



Tuesday,  February 7  Day 1     Music


Math – worksheet and review flashcards.

Reading – Read the story “The Fox and the Stork”  in your hard cover reading book to an adult.  Have the bookmark signed and return it.  Practice word folder words and spelling words.


*Don’t forget to pack a snack if you want one!

*Look for the red ‘Communication Folder’ in the backpack.  Please review all graded assignments with your child.   Once you have looked through the paperwork,  please date and sign the folder.  Return it to school.  Thank You!


Wednesday,   February 8   Day 2 Gym


Math – worksheet review flashcards..

Reading – Read the decodable book.  You may keep it at home.  Practice the word folder words and spelling words.  It would be a good idea to write the spelling words because letters formed incorrectly are wrong.


*Don’t forget to pack a snack if you want one!



Thursday,    February 9    Day 3   Art



Math – Complete  worksheet and review flashcards.

Reading – Read the story “The Fox and the Stork”  in your hard cover reading book to an adult.  Practice the word folder words and spelling words.




*Reading and Spelling tests tomorrow!

*Don’t forget to pack a snack if you want one!



Friday,     February 10       Day 4 Music


Homework :

Math – If  your child is having difficulty with the flashcards, practice them this weekend. 


Reading – If  your child is having difficulty with the words in the word box, practice them this weekend. 



*Find some time to read together this weekend!

*Save the decodable books to build a library of books you 

  know how to read.

Have a  great weekend!

See you on Monday!